
Key Topics: self-regulation, perspective taking, executive functions, organized thinking, friendship

Executive Functioning Providers' 2020 Damon Korb

This course explores:

  • How organizational skills are key to maintaining friendships.
  • 4 of the 6 different levels on the Friendship Pyramid.
  • The importance of using multiple encounters to teach lessons to students/clients.
  • Steps for parents to raise an organized child.
  • Developmentally appropriate strategies to build executive functions.


3 hours of training and CE credit available for select professionals. For any special accommodations or assistance with resources email us.


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Raising an Organized Child: Strategies to Promote Executive Functions

In two keynotes, Dr. Damon Korb, MD FAAP and developmental behavioral pediatrician, and Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP and founder of the Social Thinking® Methodology, will connect the dots between executive functions—including self-regulation and perspective taking—and creative, practical strategies to foster organized thinking. Damon’s keynote will explain five important steps professionals can learn to guide parents in how to raise an organized child. He will also present strategies and lessons he has learned during his 20 years as a developmental and behavioral pediatrician to help foster children’s active engagement of organized thinking, the kind of learning and functions they’ll use throughout their lives. Michelle’s keynote will focus on how to help students/clients develop friendships. How do people make friends? How do we keep them? What creative strategies can we teach to help tweens and teens learn to invest in these important but complicated relationships?

Replay access through July 31, 2024

Individual / Small Group
$69.00 per attendee
1-4 Attendees
Attendee #1
Team / Large Group
$59.00 per attendee
5 or more attendees
15% Discount
Attendee #1
Non-Professional & Family
$59.00 per attendee
Intended to help people using the information in their personal lives.
15% Discount
Attendee #1

Detailed Description

Who should attend

The presenters have modified parts of their core content and strategies to address some of the issues we are all dealing with during this global pandemic. Humor, as always, has been embedded throughout the course, and it is possible for us to have a special few minutes with some of the children in your home who may be coming in and watching parts of the on-demand presentation with you!

Friendships: How Do Teens and Tweens Make Them? How Do They Keep Them? What Are the Roles of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and Perspective Taking?
Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP and founder of the Social Thinking Methodology®

Making friends, keeping friends, and building relationships. It looks so easy, but below the surface, our social brains are hard at work. With this keynote, we will unpack key strategies and treatment frameworks for use by psychologists, counselors, therapists, educators and caregivers to help those with social learning challenges begin to differentiate between being friendly and friendship; teaching about “the perspective taking loop” and how organizational skills are central when seeking to make and keep a friend. Michelle Garcia Winner, the founder of the Social Thinking Methodology, will explain how she has been bringing these concepts to life with the tweens and teens she has been working with over the years, many of whom initially deny any desire to have a friend.

Lessons Learned from Clinical Practice: The Most Important of Which I Learned from a Clown
Damon Korb, MD FAAP

Dr. Korb shares his unique perspectives and lessons learned during his 20 years as a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician in order to help clinicians understand the impact and importance of professional care for people with developmental variations.

Raising an Organized Child
Damon Korb, MD FAAP

Organized children aren’t born, they’re raised. That is the philosophy behind Dr. Korb’s presentation, which covers the development of executive functions from infancy all the way through the teen years. Organized thinking is not just about finding two socks that match. It covers the neurocognitive processes and executive functions needed to show insight, take perspective, and solve problems. The first part of this presentation explains the five important steps that can be taught to parents to help them raise an organized child. The second half of the presentation focuses on strategies to build higher cognitive functions, including problem solving and forward thinking (e.g., planning, anticipating, and estimating).

Watch a short video clip from the Practical Strategies to Promote Executive Functioning course to learn more about the types of learning you’ll experience throughout the Providers’ Conference on-demand recordings.

Who Should Attend

The Social Thinking Methodology is used by a wide variety of professionals; including speech-language pathologists, special and general education teachers, social workers, counselors, clinical and school psychologists, occupational therapists, behavior specialists, and school administrators to name a few. It’s also used by family members and caregivers across settings.

Learning Objectives and Agenda


Participants will be able to:

Friendships: How Do Teens and Tweens Make Them? How Do They Keep Them? What Are the Roles of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and Perspective Taking?

  1. Describe three ways how organizational skills are key critical for maintaining friendships.
  2. Describe why friendships with adults are vastly different than friendships with one’s peers.
  3. Describe at least 4 of the 6 different levels on the Friendship Pyramid.

Lessons Learned from Clinical Practice: The Most Important of Which I Learned from a Clown

  1. Explain the importance of using multiple encounters over time to teach lessons to students or clients.
  2. Describe the importance of strength-based care.

Raising an Organized Child

  1. List the 3 of the 5 steps for parents to learn when seeking to raise an organized child.
  2. Describe how the executive functions of children take a developmental trajectory.
  3. List developmentally appropriate strategies to build executive functions.


  • 1 hour Friendships: How do Teens and Tweens Make Them? How do They Keep Them? What Are the Roles of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and Perspective Taking? (Michelle Garcia Winner, Keynote)
  • 30 minutes Lessons Learned from Clinical Practice: The Most Important of Which I Learned From a Clown (Damon Korb, Keynote)
  • 1 hour and 30 minutes Raising an Organized Child (Damon Korb, Keynote)
  • 26 minutes Recorded Q&A: Damon and Michelle expand on topics that were asked during the livestream. Please note that you will not be able to submit questions during this time.

Continuing Education Credit

3 hours toward CE credit, if applicable

Click here to see if you can receive CE credit by Profession and by State


We are proud to provide access to continuing education credit for:

  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Educators
  • ...and others!


See Detailed CE Info

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