
Key Topics: motivation, executive functions, anxiety, growth mindset, perfectionism

Brand New Course Practical Strategies to Help Individuals Rally Their Motivation

1.5 hours of instruction with Michelle Garcia Winner, which includes a recorded Q&A session moderated by Dr. Pamela Crooke


This new course explores:

  • Practical strategies and tools to help individuals feel “they can” rather than “they can’t”
  • Exploring obstacles to motivation: anxiety, perfectionism, lagging social or organizational competencies, etc.
  • Unpacking practical strategies and tools for helping people grow a positive mindset to rally motivation

Enjoy this free new article exploring evidence-informed and practice-based tips, tools & strategies to help individuals of all ages overcome such motivation when dealing with anxiety, depression, lagging social and/or organizational competencies, and negative self-talk.

1.5 hours of CE credit available for select professionals. For any special accommodations or assistance with resources email us.

Practical Strategies to Help Individuals Rally Their Motivation

In this 90-minute livestream course we’ll explore motivation-based myths. We’ll then contrast this information with research-based, as well as tried-and-true methods, to help individuals rally their motivation so they can tackle basic to complex social and organizational goals. In this journey we’ll also explore factors that get in the way of motivation such as anxiety, perfectionism, lagging social and organizational competencies, and/or digital device distractions, and then review practical strategies and tools to help individuals feel “they can” rather than “they can’t.”

Replay Available Through July 31st

Individual / Small Group
$49.00 per attendee
1-4 Attendees
Attendee #1
Team / Large Group
$42.00 per attendee
5 or more attendees
15% Discount
Attendee #1
Non-Professional & Family
$42.00 per attendee
Intended to help people using the information in their personal lives.
15% Discount
Attendee #1

Detailed Description

Who should attend

Motivation is fundamental to our lives, and yet we often take it for granted. We depend on it for ourselves and for others at home, at school, at work, and in our communities. Motivation must be present in order to get things done—mundane or spectacular—and to achieve goals of all shapes and sizes. Yet, as vital as motivation is to our all our endeavors, finding motivation to undertake boring, mundane, difficult, time-consuming, or confusing tasks is rarely, if ever, taught explicitly. So, how do we help and support our students, clients, family members—or ourselves—who struggle to rally the motivation to get things done? What stands in the way of an individual’s motivational drive, and how can it be overcome?

In this 90-minute on demand course we’ll explore motivation-based myths. We’ll then contrast this information with research-based, as well as tried-and-true methods, to help individuals rally their motivation so they can tackle basic to complex social and organizational goals. In this journey we’ll also explore factors that get in the way of motivation such as anxiety, perfectionism, lagging social and organizational competencies, and/or digital device distractions, and then review practical strategies and tools to help individuals feel “they can” rather than “they can’t.”

Who Should Attend

The Social Thinking Methodology is used by a wide variety of professionals, including speech-language pathologists, special and general education teachers, social workers, counselors, clinical and school psychologists, occupational therapists, behavior specialists, and school administrators, to name a few. It’s also used by family members and caregivers across settings.

Learning Objectives and Agenda


Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe two myths associated with rallying one’s motivation.
  2. Define the two types of motivation.
  3. Explain a strategy to overcome an obstacle that stands in the way of harnessing motivation.


1 hour and 15 minutes

  • Exploring myths related to rallying one’s motivation
  • Defining two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic
  • Describing perfectionism, anxiety, and/or lagging organizational or social competencies
  • Exploring a strategies to help rally one’s motivation
  • Unpacking social problem solving as well as time management, asking for help, and clarification

15 minutes - Previously Recorded Q&A with Michelle Garcia Winner and course moderator, Dr. Pamela Crooke

Continuing Education Credit

1.5 hours toward CE credit, if applicable

Click here to see if you can receive CE credit by Profession and by State


We are proud to provide access to continuing education credit for:

  • Speech-Language Pathologists (livestream and recorded)
  • Educators (livestream and recorded)
  • ...and others!


See Detailed CE Info

Technical requirements to participate in online training

In order to make sure your online training event experience is as positive as possible there are 3 important technical checks you should take before registering:

Streaming compatible browser

Google Chrome

The best browser for streaming is Google Chrome. If you are unable to use Chrome, please make sure the version of your browser is the latest and greatest.

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High-speed internet connection

Speed Test

Make sure you are accessing the online course on a device that is connected to high speed internet—that means your download speed is at least 25Mbps.

Run Internet Speed Test

Open firewall ports


If you are accessing the online course from your school or organization, ask your network administrator if there are any firewall ports that need to be opened.

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